Fabio Rolli - Bottega d'Arte Sociale APS

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Artisan Fabio Rolli

His own story
Diploma of qualification Advertising Graphics, Ist. Kandinsky of Milan 1997.
Creation and production of handicrafts in leather, and leather, at Bottega d'Arte Sociale, Imola.    

Offered Services
Repair, customization, construction.

Repair and Construction
If you have an object to repair or want a craft tool please contact us.
Bottega d'Arte Sociale APS
Via Aldrovandi 11, 40026 Imola (BO) Centro storico Italy
C.F. 90053750379
P.Iva 04005791209
Pec. bottegadartesociale@pec.it
Course Coordinators
Fabio Ferlini (President)
Tel: +39 377.579.18043
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