Pelle e Cuoio - Bottega d'Arte Sociale APS

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Courses of Skin and Leather Processing
Only he who knows not to know is wise, not he who deceives himself to know, and thus ignores even his own ignorance.
The path is characterized by the discovery of the basic tools for the realization of an object. Making the model paper and then go to the cutting of the leather, possible coloring of it and manual stitching.

Artisan Fabio Rolli
Get to know our craftsman by clicking here

Bottega d'Arte Sociale APS
Via Aldrovandi 11, 40026 Imola (BO) Centro storico Italy
C.F. 90053750379
P.Iva 04005791209
Course Coordinators
Fabio Ferlini (President)
Tel: +39 377.579.18043
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